Next morning after the strike was over, I headed south towards Loja and Vilcabamba. It was community that I wanted to visit for a while and research a possibility of living there part time. A friend of our owns a beautiful resort just outside the town which is currently being renovated. He let me stay in one of the buildings where I had a beautiful view of the mountains and town bellow.
The weather proofed to be challenging again, with lots of rain and clouds. But I manage to experience some local festivities and explore the neighboring valleys and vistas of Podacarpus National Park.
‘Hills of Vilcabamba’ 11” x 14’ oil on board
‘Above Vilcabamba’ 14” x 11” oil on board
‘Southern Hills’ 11” x 14” oil on board
‘River runs through it’ 11” x 14” oil on board
‘Poadacarpus National Park’ 14” x 11” oil on board
‘Jungle Canyon’ 11” x 14” oil on board
‘Rain over the Andes’ 11” x 14” oil on board